Where Do The Aged Care Billions Go? Taxpayers Must Be Told

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28th October 2009, 05:18pm - Views: 822

People Feature Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) 1 image

ANF (Victorian Branch) is Victoria’s peak nursing industrial and professional body representing more than 48,000 members

Media inquiries: ANF (Victorian Branch) Media Officer Robyn Asbury on 03 9275 9333 or 0417 523 252

Media Release

Attention: news, health,

aged care, politics

28 October 2009

Where do the aged care billions go? Taxpayers must be told.

The Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) has called on the Federal Government to guarantee that

taxpayer funding given to aged care providers is used for the nursing and personal care of residents following the

news that another Victorian facility has been placed in administration.

ANF understands that residents, families and staff at the 30-bed Palmerston Court Aged Care Hostel have been told

the facility will close and alternative accommodation must be found for 29 residents. 

Acting ANF (Victorian Branch) Assistant Secretary Paul Gilbert said: “ANF is in the process of collecting information

about wages, rostered hours, annual leave entitlements and superannuation from members employed at the facility. 

“These nurses and personal care workers are dealing with the reality of losing their jobs while working hard to provide

clinical and personal care for the residents until new accommodation is found for them,” he said.

“Unfortunately this distressing situation is not new to ANF or its members working in aged care and over the last few

years we have represented hundreds of Victorian nurses and personal care workers to secure millions of dollars in

unpaid wages, entitlements and superannuation,” Mr Gilbert said.

“It doesn’t make sense that the Federal Government is planning to give $44 billion to aged care providers over the

next four years with no strings attached,” Mr Gilbert said.

ANF (Victorian Branch) is participating in the national Australian Nursing Federation community campaign because

we care which is calling on the Federal Government to introduce urgent changes to the aged care system including:

minimum nurse to resident ratios so that nursing and care staff can provide quality care for every resident.

ANF is recommending one nurse, working with a team of carers, for every seven residents on the morning

shift, one nurse for every eight residents on the afternoon shift and one nurse for every 15 residents during

the night shift

fair pay for aged care nurses and personal care workers who are paid up to $300 per week less than their

colleagues in other sectors

the recognition of the professional skills of personal care workers through a national licensing system

a guarantee that taxpayer funding is used for nursing and personal care for each resident.

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Acting Assistant Secretary Paul Gilbert on 0408 615 181

Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) Media Officer Robyn Asbury 0417 523 252

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