Wild Blend Prevents the Incidence of Arthritis

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28th October 2011, 03:30pm - Views: 1961

Wild Blend is mother nature's NO' 1 anti-inflammatory bringing you
relief from arthritis pain and discomfort. Preservative free and containing
Premium High Activity Omega 3.6.9, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,
your body will love this powerhouse of nutrition while it boosts your natural
immunity and helps you GET YOUR wiggle back

Wild Blend allows you to take your health into your hands and take control of your body.

Your health issues are your responsibility and you need to nurture your body to assist it with optimum conditions for healing. This nurturing takes on many forms including positive mind set, good lifestyle and exercise and optimum nutrition.

You can support your body in achieving maximum health outcomes, boost your body's natural immunity defences and relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Giving complete nutrition to the body can alleviate many health problems. Wild Blend gives you premium quality nutrition for your cells helping them bring you good health.

Research has proved Wild Blend is biologically active towards the effective treatment of arthritis. No other oil product can claim this as is illustrated below in this study completed
in 1999.

In the study completed by Professor M. Whitehouse et al., he tested the viability of a variety of oils that had an anti- arthritic action in rats when fed therapeutic oils orally. In this test, a group of rats were administered various types of oils including Olive, Oil, various Fish oils, Borage oils and various Emu oils including Wild Blend (Baramul100).The test comprised of groups of five rats being fed these oils over a 16-day period.
The test was conclusive in its findings with one outstanding conclusion. While all the types of oil provided different results in their effect on arthritis, there was a clear winner,in the level of effect gained on the symptoms that arthritis generated within the body.

Animals taking Wild Blend (Baramul100) had the lowest rate of incidence of arthritis by a vast difference. There was only a 10% incidence of arthritis in the rats taking Wild Blend. The efficacy of all the other oils tested were well into this range of 80% and over for incidence of arthritis, including a 100% incidence of arthritis for Max EPA Fish Oil Australian standard. The next closest in efficacy was Fish Oil and Other brands of Emu Oil, which were clearly of lower grade oil, which had an incidence of arthritis of 80%.

Can you believe this! What an astounding outcome, which gives the very clear indication that many of the over the counter products available in the market have a limited or non-existent effect on preventing the occurrence of arthritis in the body. Shutting down an immune disease like arthritis with a success rate of 90% means that the immune system must have been strengthened by taking Wild Blend orally.

This is contrary to conventional medical products, which "knock down" the symptom of a disease with chemical substances. In many cases these products have severe side effects as experienced with some medications on the market today.

So, with such a conclusive outcome it is clear that the best way to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and optimise easy, fluid movement in joints that have been restricted is to give the body what it needs in Wild Blend.

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