Xenophon Attacks South Australian Aged Care Nurses - Anf

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2nd June 2009, 08:38pm - Views: 864

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The industrial and professional organisation for 170,000 nurses and midwives in Australia

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Media Release

Attention: news, health, aged care, industrial relations, politics

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Xenophon attacks South Australian aged care nurses - ANF

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) federal secretary Ged Kearney said comments made by

Senator Nick Xenophon today display a lack of understanding of the award modernisation

process and the benefits this process brings to nursing staff, employers and the aged care


Ms Kearney said a media release issued by Senator Xenophon, calling on the government to

delay the introduction of a new award in aged care was an ill-considered acceptance of

economic modelling prepared by South Australian aged care employers. 

“The Senator’s comments show he has little understanding of the funding or employment

arrangements that apply to the aged care industry,” Ms Kearney said.

“The employer costings he cites have been around for a number of months now and no one

accepts them because upon closer examination they are obviously flawed and misleading. It

is disappointing that Xenophon appears to have accepted the modelling without question.”

“The new award will provide nursing staff with an equitable safety net and Senator Xenophon

should support the dedicated nurses who care for some of the most vulnerable members of

our community.”

It is well known that nurses working in aged care across the country earn on average 20% or

$300 per week less than nurses in other sectors of health. 

“Why should nursing staff working in aged care be denied a decent award and fair pay

because the sector is under funded.” 

Ms Kearney said the ANF is currently campaigning for pay equity for nursing staff in aged

care and as the representative of 170,000 nurses and midwives in Australia invites Senator

Xenophon to work with industry representatives to ensure that aged care workers are

adequately paid and that residents continue to receive quality nursing care.

Media inquiries

Ged Kearney, ANF federal secretary,                           0417 053 322

Lee Thomas, ANF Assistant Federal Secretary            0419 576 590

For information on the national ANF aged care campaign - Because We Care go to:

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