Young People In Nursing Homes - Rudd Announcement A Win For Australians

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24th November 2009, 05:25pm - Views: 910

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Young People In Nursing Homes National Alliance

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Media Release


Rudd’s announcement: a win win for all Australians 

The Young People In Nursing Homes Alliance today congratulated the Rudd

Government on its announcement of a feasibility study into disability funding for

long-term care and support at last night’s National Disability Awards.

“This is not just a win for our brothers and sisters with disability, said Alliance

National Director, Dr Bronwyn Morkham. “It’s a win for all Australians. 

“Disability doesn’t discriminate and we all need support at some point in life.

This feasibility study gives us the possibility of getting that support when we

need it.

The Prime Minister’s announcement was especially welcomed by the thousands

of young disabled Australians living in nursing homes around the country.

“This just brilliant, said Anj Barker, a young woman with a brain injury who has

struggled to get the supports she needs to recover and get on with her life.  

“Now I have a chance to get my life back and I am thrilled.  Others won’t have to

go through the pain and suffering I’ve had to endure with my family.

“There is now a real possibility that young people like Anj can have the lives

worth living they’ve wanted so desperately and for so long, Dr Morkham said.

“The challenge now is to ensure that the funding a national long term care

strategy needs is delivered.

For comment: Anj Barker and Bronwyn Morkham  0437 178 078

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