Annoucement Bradfield By-election

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26th October 2009, 08:23pm - Views: 1132

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Media contacts

Keith Eaton

Manager Operations & Public Awareness, NSW State Office

Phone: (02) 9375 6312 • Mobile: 0412 269 720

26 October 2009

Bradfield by-election announced for 5 December 2009

The by-election for the federal electorate of Bradfield will be held on Saturday, 5 December

2009, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) announced today. 

The AEC Divisional Returning Officer for Bradfield, Yvonne Harrison, said that people living

in the electorate of Bradfield must ensure that they are correctly enrolled to vote.

“All Australian citizens aged 18 years and over living in the Bradfield electorate are eligible

to vote in this by-election, as long as they are correctly enrolled to vote when the electoral

roll closes.

“If you’re not on the electoral roll, you must fill in an enrolment form immediately and return

it to the AEC by 8pm, 30 October 2009.

“If you’re already on the roll but recently moved and need to update your enrolment, you

have until 8pm, 9 November 2009 to get your completed enrolment form to the AEC,” she



available at any AEC office or Australia Post outlet, as well as at any Medicare or Centrelink

offices. Voting is compulsory at by-elections.

To check if you live in the electorate of Bradfield, or to check if your enrolment is up-to-date,

visit the AEC website at or call 13 23 26.

The key dates for the by-election are:

Issue of the writ: 

Friday, 30 October 2009

Deadline for new enrolments:  

Friday, 30 October 2009

Electoral roll closes: 

Monday, 9 November 2009

Close of candidate nominations: 

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Declaration of candidate nominations: 

Friday, 13 November 2009

Election day: 

Saturday, 5 December 2009

The by-election will be conducted using the same electoral boundaries for Bradfield as used

at the 2007 federal election.

For more information on enrolment or the by-election visit or call the AEC

on 13 23 26.

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