Kimberley Traditional Owners Protest Outside Sydney Book Launch Today

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10th February 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1163

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Kimberley Land Council

MEDIA RELEASE                         

Embargoed Wednesday 10 February 2010

Kimberley Traditional Owners Protest Outside Sydney Book Launch Today

Traditional Owners from the Jabirr Jabirr people in the Kimberley will today protest outside the launch

of a book that misrepresents their views on the proposed LNG gas hub at James Price Point.

The book, Kimberley at the Crossroads: The case against the gas plant, by retired Judge Murray

Wilcox, parrots the lines of Save The Kimberley, formed by a group of local tourist operators and East

Coast environmentalists, who are ignoring the wishes of Traditional Owners. 

The true Traditional Owners of James Price Point -  the Jabirr Jabirr people - will protest

against Murray Wilcox outside the launch of the former judge’s booklet at the National Centre

of Indigenous Excellence on 180 George Street Redfern today. Traditional Owners will be

available at a doorstop interview at 10.45am.

Mr Wilcox’s and Save The Kimberley’s anti-development stance has disappointed Traditional Owners

who are concerned the well-respected judge has ignored the land rights of Indigenous people across

the Kimberley. 

Last year Traditional Owners gave in-principle support for the proposed development, subject to

obtaining environmental and other approvals. 


Kimberley Traditional Owner Frank Parriman , who is hopeful the proposed LNG development will

bring ongoing economic opportunities to local Indigenous people and provide net environmental

benefits, said he was disappointed with the former judge’s decision to turn his back on the land rights

of local Indigenous people.    


“Judge Wilcox has turned his back on our land rights and he has turned his back on our rights to the

economic and other opportunities development could bring, opportunities like housing, jobs, training

and education,” Mr Parriman said.   


“Traditional Owners are upset that such a high profile and highly respected former judge would take

such an anti-development, anti-aboriginal stance on Aboriginal land without consulting us.”   


Traditional Owners in the region, have been negotiating with the WA State Government, the Federal

Government and resources company Woodside over an economic package that delivers benefits for

local Indigenous people over the life of the project, including protecting environmental and heritage

values in substantial parts of the region.  

The true Traditional Owners of James Price Point -  the Jabirr Jabirr people - will protest against

Murray Wilcox outside the launch of the former judge’s booklet at the National Centre of Indigenous

Excellence on 180 George Street Redfern today. Traditional Owners will be available at a doorstop

interview at 10.45am.



For more information or to organise an interview with Mr Parriman please call Tim Fitzsimmons (EMC)

on 0423 375 522.

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