Media Alert: Playground No 83 Official Opening Today

Community - Local Community Press Release
23rd April 2010, 07:05pm -
Views: 1133
Media Alert
Saturday 24 April 2010
Playground No 83 Official Opening Today
The City of Sydney's new playground in Victoria Park, Camperdown will be officially opened today by the Lord Mayor Clover Moore MP.
The City of Sydney has one of the highest densities of quality playgrounds for children in NSW. This playground is the City's 83rd.
After feedback from local children and their parents, the playground has been designed with high-quality facilities to respect the rich heritage and character of Victoria Park.
For kids of all ages, the playground features new equipment including a flying fox, double swing set, balancing beams, spinning dish, pipe slide, basketball half-court and nature play areas.
Join City of Sydney for the official opening with entertainment including ERTH, petting zoo creatures and a roving brass band.
FREE coffee and gelato will be available to the first 500 guests!
WHERE: Victoria Park, Corner of City Rd and Parramatta Rd Camperdown.
WHEN: Saturday, 24 October 11am-1pm (official ceremony 11.45am)
CONTACT: Rachael Stevens 0448 464 871
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SOURCE: City of Sydney