No Decrease In Crowd At Fed Square On Nye Despite Rain

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1st January 2010, 03:29pm - Views: 1140


Media Release  

                                                             January 1



Fed Square Huge Crowd for NYE 

Rain storms and a loss of power on the main stage due to weather failed to dampen

Melbournian’s enthusiasm for NYE celebrations at Fed Square, which experienced one

of its largest NYE crowds ever.  

Jane Sydenham Clarke spokesperson for Fed Square in charge of last night’s event

said despite the weather forecasts Fed Square continued to fill with a wide audience of

all ages and many family groups... 

“The zero tolerance around no glass and no alcohol policy in the public space is part of

our commitment to safety worked well, and the huge crowd was very well behaved. 

We believe ZERO tolerance of the Fed Square NO Glass No Alcohol policy and our

extensive security presence provides the community, especially families with the

confidence that Fed Square is a safe location to be on NYE.  

Ms Sydenham Clarke said,”  inclement weather and  the loss of main power on the

stage forced the cancellation of the of the lead act for the night , and the Asanti  African

Drummers  who needed no amplification , entertained the crowd for over two hours

taking us to a spectacular  countdown  to midnight . 

As heavy rained poured during the Ashanti performance the crowd actually grew.

Ms Sydenham Clarke said,” as the night preceded it became quite clear hail rain or

shine Fed Square is the place to be on NYE. “ 

Media Enquiries 

Ron Smith Corporate Media Communications Fed Square 0417 329 201 to arrange an

interview with Jane Sydenham Clarke 


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