Reef Recycling Project Reaps Top Townsville Award

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16th June 2009, 08:31pm - Views: 1316

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16 JUNE 2009


Reef recycling project reaps top Townsville award 

Local coral reef charity, Reef Check Australia, collected the prestigious Community Group Award at the

Townsville City Council Environmental Excellence and Sustainability Awards presentation during last

weekend’s Eco-Fiesta in Queen’s Gardens.

Townsville’s annual Environmental Excellence & Sustainability Awards recognise the environmental and

sustainability contributions, achievements and commitments of local schools, community groups, individuals

and businesses to achieve a sustainable future for Townsville. 

Jo Roberts, Education & Outreach officer at Reef Check Australia is justifiably proud of the City’s recognition

for the project: “We believe that in addition to providing a great educational opportunity for Townsville students,

the partnership between Reef Check Australia and Townsville Recycling Education Centre demonstrates how

community organisations and council can collaborate together effectively to provide enhanced opportunities for

the Townsville community.”

Reef Check Australia teamed up with the Townsville Recycling Education Centre to develop the free Reef and

Recycling Workshop in 2008, delivering it to a number of schools within Townsville. As part of Reef Check

Australia’s wider education program, Reef IQ, the workshop covers many Essential Learnings outlined under

the Queensland curriculum for students in Years 4-8. 

These free sessions take place at the Townsville/Visy Recycling Education Centre where students can actually

see the sorting process and learn about the links between recycling and coral reefs. The activities the children

take part in allow them to discover what can be recycled, explore how recyclable material is transformed into

new products and participate in activities designed to reinforce the recycling message. The Reef Workshop

introduces coral reefs, explores the impacts humans are having on them (particularly our rubbish), teaches

students how to conduct a simple survey of coral reefs and what we can do to help protect them. 

Thanks to the award, sponsored by NQ Dry Tropics, the workshop program will continue to expand in 2009.

The $1,000 prize cheque will be used by Reef Check Australia and Townsville Recycling Education Centre to

develop and produce materials for future workshops and promotional activities to raise awareness of the

program and help more children get involved in reef recycling education. Materials will include a poster

demonstrating the links between rubbish, recycling and the reef, produced specifically for Townsville.

To book a Reef Recycling Workshop please contact Maxine Nolan at or

phone (07) 4774 5622.

For more information and images, contact Gemma Routledge: (07) 4724 3950

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