Rotarians Upgrade Playground For North Ryde Children

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2nd October 2008, 02:05pm - Views: 1214

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The Benevolent Society

           PO Box 171 Paddington NSW 2021

Paddington NSW 2021                                  Donations 1800 819 633                                                       ABN 95 084 695 045

Media Release

2 October 2008

Rotarians upgrade playground for North Ryde children

Children at The Benevolent Society’s North Ryde Early Years Centre have an exciting new

playground thanks to the generosity of members of the Rotary Club of Ryde. 

As well as donating funds for the project, the Rotarians volunteered their time to build the new

playground, with a team of 10 helpers turning up over several Saturdays with building materials and

power tools.  Materials were generously supplied by local company, Materials In The Raw.

The North Ryde Early Years Centre provides support for local families through quality child care and

other specialist services such as speech pathology, parenting classes and counselling. 

“This support from Rotary has been vital to our work with these families, and the new equipment is

already having a positive impact on the children’s social and physical development,” said Matthew

Solomon, the Centre manager. 

“The playground upgrade has been a wonderful addition to the Centre, with the children now able to

enjoy the outdoor environment with greater opportunities to explore and play.

“We really appreciate the generosity and community spirit of the Rotary Club of Ryde. This work gives

children the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and welcoming environment, and will benefit the

children as they transition to school over the coming years,” said Mr Solomon. 

The partnership between the Centre and Rotary has now spanned two years, with Rotarians

providing support through donations, Christmas gifts for the children and volunteer helpers in the


The North Ryde Early Years Centre is part of the Brighter Futures program, which provides services

and targeted support for children aged 0-8 years and their families, as they address the challenges of

parenting positively.

For more information or to arrange an interview, contact:

Erin Schrieber, ph 0404 904 194

Notes for Editors

The Benevolent Society

Established in 1813, The Benevolent Society is Australia’s oldest charity. Nearly two centuries

after we first started helping the destitute and homeless in colonial Sydney, our 800 staff and 900

volunteers continue to support more than 15,700 children and adults each year in metropolitan,

regional and rural New South Wales and in Queensland. 

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Registered Office

The Benevolent Society

           PO Box 171 Paddington NSW 2021

Level 1, 188 Oxford Street                            T 02 9339 8000  •  F 02 9360 2319                            

Paddington NSW 2021                                  Donations 1800 819 633                                                       ABN 95 084 695 045

The Benevolent Society works with

women, children, families, older people, people with a

disability and those who care for them, and people affected by adoption.  We support vulnerable

and disadvantaged people across the lifespan to build on their strengths and lead happy and

fulfilling lives. We help to connect communities through support groups, volunteer visiting

programs and community projects.  

Our vision is that every person is healthy, safe, connected and has a meaningful and productive

role in their community.

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