Aged & Community Services Australia
2nd National Community Care Conference Sydney
Community Care - Magic and Myths- the reality and the potential
Do not use before 14 May 2008
Rural news and health
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Ce
Wednesday 14-Friday 16 May, 2008
Community Care Conference plans to provide rural Australians what they
want - to remain and receive quality care at home
More funding and staffing, simpler and more streamlined care, are needed to enable older people and those
with disabilities - and their families and carers- to remain at home, especially in rural Australia according to
Greg Mundy, CEO of Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) which is holding the second
national community care conference in Sydney, from 14-16 May.
Community care is the backbone of Australias system of care for older people, with up to one million
people each year receiving assistance which helps them to remain living in their own homes and
communities. Many more would prefer this option or would like more care than is currently available or
affordable, especially in rural and remote areas, Greg Mundy said.
Being cared for at home is the clearly expressed preference of the vast majority of older people, wherever
they live. With more resources, community care could do much more to improve their independence and
well-being, including those in rural areas.
Discussing and learning about ways of making our community care services even better at the conference is
a must do task given our ageing population and the preferences of older people for care at home. One
option under discussion will be paying those needing care directly and allowing them to choose and arrange
their own home care
He urged the new Federal Government to get on with completing and implementing the long community
care reform process, which has now been underway for two years.
Federal and State and Territory Governments also need to substantially boost resources, including rural
viability supplements and improve linkages between aged care, health, mental health and disability services.
While there are useful models such as Multi Purpose , and Regional Health Services, there is no one size fits
all that can be imposed in all rural and remote areas.
There are shortfalls in service provision throughout Australia, especially in rural and remote areas, and
Indigenous backgrounds. These shortfalls will only get worse with the ageing of Australia's population.
The critical role of unpaid carers must also be assisted in community care development policy.
The conference will hear how Australia rates internationally in its community care services, and what
innovative services are currently provided around Australia- in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote
areas. Several sessions also discuss innovative services in rural Victoria and NSW
CONTACT: Greg Mundy for further comment 0416 203 065 :Megan Stoyles for other interviews, speaker