Farmers And Community Feedback Wanted

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20th August 2009, 06:48pm - Views: 1174
Farmers and Community Feedback Wanted

Media Release

Thursday 20 August 2009

Dairy Australia is calling for people to attend public meetings in the Lower Murray Darling Basin region to provide information into an inquiry looking at the factors shaping dairying into the future.

The public meetings will build on the phone surveys already conducted in the area and are a crucial part of the inquiry process.

Dairy Australia Project Manager Chris Murphy said that the public meetings are one of the most important stages.

"We need to hear from farmers and the general community about their thoughts.

"This process is about gathering as much information as possible so we can give the dairy industry and the community a big picture view of the long-term factors impacting dairying in region and most importantly, will help them make decisions based on the future."

The Lower Murray Darling Basin Inquiry is an industry response to the significant and ongoing changes in the region and anticipated structural change both pre- and post-farm gate. The inquiry is expected to be completed in November.

The inquiry is being done by an independent panel made up of John Radcliffe, an Honorary Research Fellow in CSIRO and previous Deputy Chief Executive of CSIRO; Roger Beale who has significant experience in economic reform, greenhouse policies and programs, water policy reform and environmental regulation and; Peter Ryan who was previously the CEO of Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE and is currently on the Board of the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.

The independent panel will be at all public meetings to hear about the issues and to ask questions.

Public Meetings will be held at:

Echuca: Wednesday 2 September 11am - 1pm
Quality Inn, Port of Echuca, 465 High St, Echuca

Shepparton: Friday 4 September 11am - 1am
Country Comfort Shepparton, 481 Wyndham St, Shepparton

Thursday 3 September 11am - 1pm
RSL Club, 72 End Street, Deniliquin

Meetings at Wodonga and Murray Bridge will be scheduled shortly for the week beginning 14 September.

People can confirm their attendance by contacting John Boyd on 03 5833 5313 or
[email protected].

Submissions can also be made to the inquiry via email, fax and mail. More information on the inquiry and public meetings is available at


For more information or to do an interview with a member of the inquiry panel: contact Adele Buhagiar, Dairy Australia on 03 9694 3894 or 0400 923 221.

SOURCE: Dairy Australia

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