Regional Aged Care Services Win National Awards & Recognition For Excellence In Aged Care And Commun

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30th September 2008, 10:00am - Views: 1107

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Aged & Community Services Australia

Level 1, 36 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Vic, 3205

Ph:  03 9686 3460  Fax:  0-3 9686 3453


30 September 2008




Attention  Rural News, health, ageing, employment, IT

A northern NSW aged and community service, based at Pottsville Beach north of Byron Bay,

has won a top national award for its Technology Innovation and services.  A Retirement Village

in the Barossa Valley, SA has won the Best Organisation - Retirement Living, and Carrington

Centennial Care in Camden NSW has won the Residential Care Award. Other employees,

volunteers and services in Ballina, Muswellbrook, Murrurundi (NSW), Warrnambool (Vic) and

Mt Morgan (Qld) were runners up for national awards.

The annual Awards, presented in Adelaide at the Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA)

National Conference, recognise excellence in quality care and services for older people. 

These National Awards were presented to services and individuals from NSW, South Australia and

Western Australia. All the winners and finalists were outstanding achievers in the aged and

community care industry throughout Australia.

The Individual Award went to Dr Penelope (Penny) Flett, CEO, Brightwater Care Group,

Western Australia. Since her appointment in 1986, she has led the growth and diversification of

Brightwater in service areas (such as rehabilitation, respite and residential care for younger

people) as well as leading 20 facilities providing residential care, creating new commercial and

business development in catering and laundry services, and auspicing research facilitation in

dementia and education /industry areas. She was the first chair of the Aged Care Standards and

Accreditation Agency, has been on numerous other boards and enquiries and was Telstra’s

National Businesswoman of the Year in 1998.

The panel of eminent judges for the ACSA Awards  included the former Governor General, Sir

Ninian Stephen, Rt Hon. Ian Sinclair, Productivity Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald, US Ageing

expert Dr Robyn Stone, and Frank Smolenaers, Director of Technology at the Centre for Health


The 2008 winners, and runners-up, who are also formally recognised, come from NSW, Vic, QLD,

SA and WA.

ACSA’s 2008 Awards for Excellence in Aged Care cover eight categories: for the outstanding

Individual; Organisation, (residential, community and retirement living); Employee; Volunteer;

Newsletter (professional and voluntary) Training Innovation program, and Technology Innovation.

“The ACSA Awards have been made since 1990 and are the industry recognition of dedication and

innovation in providing services to older Australians and younger Australians with a disability,”

ACSA President Klaus Zimmermann said. 

The above results show that rural and regional services are up there with the best and

largest city services for providing cutting edge care and services and ensuring that older

Australians can receive top quality care regardless of location.”

CONTACT:  Megan Stoyles for media interviews, & conference details:    0408 147 829. 

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Aged & Community Services Australia

Level 1, 36 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Vic, 3205

Ph:  03 9686 3460  Fax:  0-3 9686 3453

E:  w:

Individual Award for Excellence: Proudly sponsored by Health Super

Recognised for a lifetime’s work in aged and community care.

Winner: Dr Penelope (Penny) Flett, CEO of Brightwater Care Group, Western Australia

Employee Award: Proudly sponsored by HESTA Superannuation Fund.

Winner: Sandra Morgan, Helping Hand Aged Care, North Adelaide, South Australia

Runners up: 

Susan Cunningham, St Andrews’s Village Ballina Ltd, Ballina, New South Wales

Chic Taylor, Hunter Integrated Care, Muswellbrook, New South Wales

Samantha Whalan, James Watson Hostel, East Perth, Western Australia

Volunteer Award: Proudly sponsored by Southern Cross Care (Aust) Inc

Winner: Tom & Sally Rainey, Presbyterian Aged Care, Haberfield, New South Wales

Runners up:

Catherine Gordon, John Cani Hostel, Mt Morgan, Queensland 

Helen Williamson, Bankstown City Aged Care, Georges Hall, New South Wales 

Organisation Award - Residential Care: Proudly sponsored by Silverman Dakin

Winner: Carrington Centennial Care Ltd, Camden, New South Wales

Runners up:

IBIS Care Holdings Pty Ltd, Blakehurst, New South Wales 

Masonic Care Queensland, Sandgate, Queensland

Organisation Award - Community Care: Proudly sponsored by SmartLink International

Winner: City of Canning, Welshpool, Western Australia

Runners up:

Amana Living, Cottlesloe, Western Australia 

Hunter Integrated Care,  Murrurundi, New South Wales

Organisation Award – Retirement Living: Proudly sponsored by SmartLink International

Winner: Barossa Village Inc. Nuriootpa, South Australia

Training Innovation Award: Proudly sponsored by Australian College of Health Service Executives

Winner: Baptist Community Services of NSW & ACT, Epping, New South Wales

Runners up:

Silver Chain Nursing Association, Perth, Western Australia

Lyndoch Inc, Warrnambool, Victoria 

?Glen Waverley Nursing Home, Glen Waverley, Victoria

Technology Innovation Award Proudly sponsored by Paul Hartmann Australia

Winner: Feros Care, Pottsville Beach, New South Wales 

Runners up:

Baptist Community Services of NSW & ACT, Epping, New South Wales

Samarinda Aged Services, Ashburton, Victoria 

Silver Chain Nursing Association, Perth, Western Australia

Newsletter Awards:

For a stimulating and positive newsletter involving, informing and reaching consumers, their carers, families and friends;

A newsletter produced by dedicated staff and/or with professional help  Proudly sponsored by INsite

Winner: The Bugle, Uniting Care Community Options, Surrey Hills, Victoria

Runners up:

Inside Focus, Silver Chain Nursing Association, Perth, Western Australia

Newslink, Churches of Christ Life Care, North Adelaide, South Australia

A publication produced by volunteers, or in addition to normal duties  Proudly sponsored by Australian Ageing


BV Lifestyle, Barunga Village Inc, Port Broughton,  South Australia

CONTACT:  Megan Stoyles for media interviews, award details:    0408 147 829. 

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