Aged & Community Services Australia
2nd National Community Care Conference Sydney
Community Care - Magic and Myths- the reality and the potential
Do not use before 14 May 2008
Rural news and health
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Ce
Wednesday 14-Friday 16 May, 2008
Bathurst, Swansea, Colleambally and Mildura community care workers win
sponsorship to attend National Community Care Conference in Sydney
Betty Gebert, a (job) from (name) MADEC in Mildura, Victoria , Judy Moore, a ( job) from May Shaw
Health Centre in Swansea, Tasmania, Terisa Ashworth,a ( job) from the Bathurst Seymour Centre, NSW,
and Theresa Donnellon, a (job) Cypress View Lodge Apartments & CACPS Coleambally NSW, have won
sponsored assistance to attend the National Community Care Conference in Sydney this week ( Wednesday
14- Friday 16 May).
The financial support will provide them as rural and remote providers with a unique opportunity to attend, as
often distance and cost discourages attendance.
The places, sponsored by the NSW Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care, provides the four
winners with $1,000 as a contribution towards their airfares, accommodation and attendance at the
The four provided the most considered reasons for wishing to attend the conference , plus outlining what
they will do with the knowledge and networks they gain from attending.
The conference will discuss options for providing more funding and staffing, and simpler and more
streamlined care, to enable older people and those with disabilities - and their families and carers- to remain
at home, especially in rural Australia .
Community care is the backbone of Australias system of care for older people, with up to one million
people each year receiving assistance which helps them to remain living in their own homes and
communities. Many more would prefer this option or would like more care than is currently available or
affordable, especially in rural and remote areas, according to Greg Mundy, CEO of Aged and Community
Services Australia (ACSA) which is holding the second national community care conference .
There are shortfalls in service provision throughout Australia, especially in rural and remote areas, and
Indigenous backgrounds. These shortfalls will only get worse with the ageing of Australia's population.
The conference will hear how Australia rates internationally in its community care services, and what
innovative services are currently provided around Australia- in metropolitan, rural, regional and remote
areas. Several sessions also discuss innovative services in rural Victoria and NSW
The four winners are available for interview about their expectations from the conference and what
they hope they will hear and take back to benefit the services and communities they serve.Contact
Megan Stoyles for speaker details: 0408 147 829.
For further comment from Greg Mundy contact 0416 203 065