Murray Goulburn
Co-Operative Co.
ABN 23 004 277 089
27 January 2010
Media Release
Murray Goulburn Co-Operative announces fourth increase in farmgate milk price
Australia’s farmer-owned dairy company - Murray Goulburn Co-Operative today advised the co-
operative’s dairy farmer shareholders of a further increase in 2009/10 farmgate milk prices – as it
continues to play its leadership role in improving farmgate returns. This is the fourth increase
announcement this financial year.
In his statement to suppliers Managing Director Mr Stephen O’Rourke advised of a price increase of
$0.25/kg protein and $0.10/kg butterfat for milk supplied across the 2009/10 season.
“This increase in farmgate milk price represents the payment of approximately A$35 million to our
suppliers over the year. This flows on to rural communities and the Australian economy,” Mr
O’Rourke said.
“As Australia’s farmer-owned dairy company we will continue to play the vital role of lifting farmgate
milk prices as the market returns improve,” Mr O’Rourke said.
Mr O’Rourke said that a vibrant co-operative was vital for farmers to maximise farmgate returns.
“We will continue to consider investments that will improve the farmgate milk price for the co-
operative’s supplier-shareholders. This is important as we aim to improve farm profitability and
reduce volatility.
“The co-operative remains in good health post the global financial crisis and is well placed to consider
projects that provide immediate as well as longer-term benefits to suppliers - including processing
efficiency gains and increasing sales of value-added products,” Mr O’Rourke said.
Murray Goulburn Co-Operative is Australia’s largest exporter of processed food, employs more than
2,000 people in regional Australia and is wholly owned by dairy farmer shareholders. Its flagship
Devondale brand is recognised nationally as a market leader.
Media Contact: Michelle Helms 03 9389 6400
140 Dawson Street Brunswick Victoria 3056
PO Box 4307 Melbourne 3001 Australia
Telephone (03) 9389 6400
Facsimile (03) 9387 5741