Ekka Media Opportunities:
Saturday 1 August to Tuesday 4 August
The gates may open next Thursday, but already there is plenty of action at the
RNA Showgrounds in the lead up to Ekka 2009.
Saturday 1 August: CAKES & JAM
From 9am:
Judging of Decorated Cakes, Preserves and Jams. Location:
The Coffee Club Auditorium Building
Sunday 2 August: THE FIRST BEER of SHOW
Chief Executive Jonathan Tunny will pull the first beer at
Cattlemans Bar for the cattle owners who have now arrived
from the bush. More than 1,200 head of cattle are already on
the grounds. Location: Cattlemans Bar
Monday 3 August KIDS & CATTLE
Cattle judging kicks off on Monday with the first competition
The Junior Paraders Comp. Hundreds of school children will
be judged on their ability to lead their cow around the ring.
A fun dress-up cow competition will follow
Tuesday 4 August
Royal Childrens Hospital patients pre-Ekka visit. Every year
the RNA, entertainers, sponsors and exhibitors provide their
time and produce free of charge for children from the RBCH to
experience a taste of the Show before the gates open to the
public. Location: Animal Nursery, Animal Boulevard
12 noon
Launch of the 2010 Firefighters calendar. Dale Sorrenson,
Firefighter and Mr December will be striking a blow on the
Ekka High Striker to fund research to work wonders for kids
battling burns injuries. Location: At the High Striker,
Sideshow alley, next to the chairlift terminal.
Media Contact: Andrea Sackson 0414 672 318