Baby Places Will Decrease Across Queensland

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17th June 2010, 10:51am - Views: 1143

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Baby places will decrease across Queensland

Working families will suffer due to federal childcare changes

17 June 2010

Increases in the cost of childcare due to federal changes that are to be rushed through this year will put many

Queensland working families at risk of leaving the workforce and push children out of an early learning


The Queensland childcare industry has concerns that many parents will not be able to afford the increased fees to

cover the government imposed forced changes to ratios and staff numbers.

Childcare Queensland, with nearly 1000 members and representing the interests of over 110,000 families, says that

many members with smaller centres are facing closure due to the their buildings being structured around current

room sizes. 

“We are asking that the Federal Government hold off on its National Agenda rollout, to allow for wide consultation

and to ensure that the proposed changes are not going to impact on parent’s hip pockets and centres availability of

places,” Childcare Queensland President Gwynn Bridge said.

“Parents with babies are going to be the worst off once the changes are implemented,” Ms Bridge said.

“Many smaller centres will not be able to maintain the ten toddler places they have and will be forced to drop down

to four places for under 2 year olds.  Older age groupings will also be affected through loss of places.  

“This will have a major impact on working families.”

Childcare Queensland believes there are a number of things that the Federal government could do to ease the

pressure on parents and assist centres to remain viable.

These include paying Child Care Rebate every week rather than quarterly, increasing funding to parents with

children less than 3 years old and meeting with industry to implement a change process that considers the hip

pocket of families.

The industry national body, Australian Childcare Alliance, has requested a meeting with Premier Bligh and Prime

Minister Rudd.

Childcare Queensland is Australia’s largest state child care organisation with a membership of nearly 1000 long day

care centres, caring for 115,000 children, communicating with over 210,000 parents and representing 15,000 staff.


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