Child removal should only be a solution of last resort
The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) says the removal of children
from their families only addresses the symptoms and does not tackle the causes of
child abuse and neglect.
The NSW peak is responding to a report being released today by the Centre for
Independent Studies that claims the current system is too focused on family
preservation, at the expense of children at risk.
ACWA CEO Andrew McCallum acknowledges the system is far from perfect, saying
the staggering rise in the rate of substantiated abuse in Australia over the last 10
years, from 24,732 in 1999 to 54 621 in 2009, is incomprehensible.
“Yes, we are failing these children, but that is because there is not enough work
being done to prevent child abuse in the first place,” Mr McCallum said.
“We need a system that places a far deeper emphasis on family support initiatives
that ensure vulnerable children can grow up in safety within their own homes.
“Removing a child from their family should be seen only as a solution of last resort
because of the emotional trauma it causes and the long lasting negative impact it can
leave, as we’ve already witnessed with the child migrants, the Forgotten Australians
and the Stolen Generations.
“Long-term solutions must be a priority. Prohibition and punitive responses only
entrench, inflame and divide.
“We must do more for vulnerable children and families in a restorative and
preventative way.”
The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is the New South Wales peak
body representing non-government organisations which provide services to
vulnerable children, young people and their families. The organisation has
been operating for over 50 years and is supported by more than 100 member
For interviews please contact:
For all other media enquiries please contact:
Andrew McCallum
Libby McCalman
Communications Officer, ACWA
Mob: 0409 221 414
Mob: 0418 659 525