Foster carers the backbone of the child protection system
The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) has paid tribute to NSW’s
dedicated carers as the State prepares to celebrate Foster Care Week 2010, which
begins this Sunday, September 12.
Now into its 20th year, Foster Care Week highlights the valuable role of carers in
society and activities have been organised in communities across NSW to honour
their vital work.
ACWA CEO Andrew McCallum has described the state’s 9000 foster carers as the
backbone of the child protection system, saying they provide a warm, loving home for
the 16,500 children and young people currently in out-of-home care in NSW.
“The need for foster carers has never been more critical as the number of children
and young people entering the care system continues to grow,” Mr McCallum said.
“ACWA is very proud to recognise and celebrate the tremendous work they do, under
circumstances that at times cannot be easy.
“That is why it is so important carers receive the kind of quality support, guidance and
training that will ensure they are well equipped to meet the complexities and
challenges that come with this crucial community job.”
NSW Community Services Minister Linda Burney will officially open Foster Care
Week 2010 this Sunday at the annual Foster Care Week Carnival Day, to be held at
Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park.
Foster Care Week is an initiative of foster care agencies and carers in NSW and is
being co-ordinated by ACWA. Organisations supporting the week-long celebrations
include Community Services, the NSW Aboriginal Child, Family and Community Care
Secretariat (AbSec), Anglicare Sydney, Anglicare Canberra & Goulburn, Barnardos,
The Benevolent Society, CatholicCare, Connecting Carers, the CREATE Foundation,
the Foster Parents Support Network, Life Without Barriers, the NSW Office for
Children – the Children’s Guardian, Stretch-A-Family, UnitingCare Burnside and
Wesley Dalmar Child and Family Care.
For more information about this Sunday’s Foster Care Week Carnival, please