Media Reports Paint False Picture Of Foster Carers

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11th November 2008, 12:03pm - Views: 1136

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NOVEMBER 11, 2008

Media reports paint false picture of foster carers  

The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) says it is dismayed with media

reports suggesting the New South Wales’ foster carers are negligent, self-seeking individuals

who are only in it for the money.  

CEO Andrew McCallum believes the recent publicity paints a false picture of the foster care

industry and overshadows the tremendous work being carried out in the homes of carers

across the State.      

“It is extremely distressing to hear accounts of some foster carers taking advantage of the

system and doing the wrong thing by the children who come into their care,” Mr McCallum


“However, it must be pointed out that these individuals represent a very small minority of an

otherwise committed and selfless group of people who open their homes and their hearts to

emotionally vulnerable children, bringing them warmth and stability during periods of



“I regard foster carers as the unsung heroes of our sector, who do a wonderful job under often

very tough circumstances.”

Mr McCallum said there is an ongoing need in NSW to recruit more foster carers to provide

quality short, medium and long-term care to children and young people.

“The onus for filtering out those few who are failing to do the right thing lies within a carefully

scrutinised recruitment and assessment process,” he said

“The industry needs to ensure the integrity of this process is protected at all costs in order to

avoid any repeat of the instances reported in the media. To further compound the already

difficult situation these children find themselves in is inexcusable.” 

Anyone interested in finding out more about becoming a foster carer to contact the Foster

Care Recruitment Line on 1800 011 110.

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is the New South Wales peak  

body representing non-government organisations providing services to  

vulnerable children, young people and their families. The organisation has been

operating for 50 years and has more than 100 members. 


For interviews please contact:

Andrew McCallum, CEO

Mob: 0409 221 414    E:

For all other media enquiries please contact:

Libby McCalman, Communications Officer

Mob: 0418 659 525    E:

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