Media Release Sunday November 7, 2010
EMBARGOED until Monday November 8
Frankston mall butts out, as more smokers
than ever support policy
New research shows that support for outdoor smoke-free areas in places where children are
present is not only high among the general public but also among smokers, as Frankston City
Council launches Victorias first outdoor smoke-free mall today (Monday, Nov 8).
Smoking will not be allowed in a designated block in the city centre during the six-month trial, and if all goes well the policy
will be adopted permanently in 2011.
The ban begins as new Cancer Council Victoria research shows more smokers are in favour of proposals like this than ever
Six out of 10 smokers in Victoria believe that smoking should be banned in outdoor places where children are
present, compared to four out of 10 smokers in 2004
Over three-quarters (77%) of Victorians (smokers and non-smokers combined) believe smoking shouldnt be
allowed in outdoor areas where children are present
Seven out of 10 Victorians believe smoking shouldnt be allowed in outdoor restaurant dining areas
Quit Executive Director Fiona Sharkie said there was good reason smoke free areas were supported by smokers and non-
smokers alike.
We know most smokers want to quit and smoke free areas give those smokers a reason not to light up, helping them to cut
their tobacco consumption and eventually stop smoking for good. As for non-smokers, smoke free areas not only help
protect people from second hand smoke, but also de-normalise smoking for children so they are less likely to take up the
habit later in life.
The latest Victorian population health survey shows 100 people die from smoking-caused illness in the Frankston area every
year three times the number of deaths caused by other drugs, alcohol and road accidents combined.
Heart Foundation (Victoria) CEO Kathy Bell said Frankstons smoke-free policy was helping to address this tragic toll and
momentum was gathering for other councils to follow suit.
Councils have a great opportunity to lead the way and promote good health in their community. Monash City is another
council taking steps in this direction, and its only a matter of time before other councils do the same. The majority of
Victorians want to see this policy in place.
Monash City Council is currently consulting with the public about the possibility of introducing smoke free sporting fields,
alfresco dining areas and parks, with the consultation period ending November 26th.
This year the Heart Foundation (Victoria) and Quit have started working with local councils to offer encouragement and
support for the implementation of smoke free outdoor areas. Since a similar program in NSW started in 2007, the number of
councils implementing smoking bans in outdoor areas has almost tripled to 76 - 50% of all councils in NSW.
Notes to Editors:
Half of all long-term smokers will die because of their smoking
15,000 Australians and almost 4,000 Victorians die from smoking every year
Smokers wanting to quit can also get more information at and by calling the Quitline on 13 QUIT (7848)
To arrange an interview with Kathy Bell or Fiona Sharkie, please contact Quit Media Coordinator Jessica
Longbottom on 0438 714 264