Generation Next Seminar Series is conducted by Healthed Pty Ltd
PO Box 500 BURWOOD NSW 1805 Phone 1300 797 794 Fax 1300 797 792
One of the most innovative parenting and adolescent health interventions
seen in Australia comes to Adelaide this weekend.
Generation Next is a high-profile series of interactive parenting meetings
held in town hall-style venues involving some of the countrys leading
The concept aims to deliver practical solutions to parenting problems like
as bullying, cyber safety, drugs and alcohol, media sexualisation, dating
and teen mental health at an affordable price.
Founder and Sydney GP Dr Ramesh Manocha says successful events in Sydney and
Melbourne had drawn substantial audiences to see adolescent psychologist Dr
Michael Carr-Gregg, media commentator and GP Dr Sally Cockburn, cyber safety
expert and former police officer Susan McLean, anti-sexualisation campaigner
Julie Gale, alcohol and drugs expert Paul Dillon and Kids Helpline head
Wendy Protheroe.
Generation Next will be at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Saturday, June
27 from
6-10pm. Dr Manocha is available for interview.
Tickets for all Generation Next seminars are $45 and available through
Generation Next is supported by anti-depression initiative beyondblue and
youth mental health foundation headspace. A proportion of any profits will
be directed to child and adolescent health research and the series is being
rolled out with a view to Generation Next being self-sustaining and ongoing.
Generation Next Seminar Series is conducted by Healthed Pty Ltd
PO Box 500 BURWOOD NSW 1805 Phone 1300 797 794 Fax 1300 797 792
Issued by Reed Weir Communications for Healthed. For interviews
call Craig Regan on (0408) 448 527