Culture And Spirituality In Ageing Migrant Communities Forum

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10th June 2009, 11:47am - Views: 2230

MEDIA NOTIFICATION: Culture and Spirituality in Ageing Migrant Communities Forum


Date: Friday 12 June 9am-3pm,Monash University, level 7, 30 Collins Street, Melbourne

Conference theme: Understanding and meeting the spiritual needs of our culturally and linguistically

diverse aged community

Background: While the Australian population as a whole is ageing, the migrant population is ageing

even more rapidly. In less than two years more than 23% of Australians aged 65 and over, and one in

every five people aged 80 and over will be from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.  

This forum will assist aged care services, and pastoral and spiritual leaders, to understand  and help

elderly people in their search for life meaning, hopes, beliefs, identity and connectedness.

Speakers will explore the role of spirituality and religion in the ageing migrant communities. Practical

models that have successfully implemented culturally inclusive initiatives will be highlighted.

Keynote speakers and topics include: 

Professor Emeritus Gary Bouma – Emeritus Professor of Sociology, School of Political and

Social  Enquiry, Monash University

Themes: - overview of cultural and religious diversity in Australia

- role of spirituality in the ageing process

- managing religious diversity in the aged care sector diversity in Australia

Bruce Rumbold – School of Public Health, La Trobe University 

Themes: - spirituality and pastoral care within a multicultural community

- spiritual assessment in health care practice

- the role of spiritual/pastoral care in palliative care

Archpriest Dr. Michael Protopopov OA, Deputy President Melbourne Institute of 

Orthodox Christian Studies

Themes:- spirituality of the  Russian Orthodox elderly in aged care settings

- meeting the spiritual needs of the elder people in community and residential care

- issues arising for small and emerging communities in accessing the aged care sector

Mr Ephraim Finch – Executive Director, Melbourne Chevra Kadisha

Themes: Jewish foundational beliefs, values, cultural expectations and perspectives on ageing, death

and dying 

-culturally sensitive practice and ethics from the Jewish perspective

-reflections on spirituality in facilitating life and work

Ms Diana Cousens - Former Vice Chair Buddhist Council of Victoria, PhD Candidate 

– Himalayan Studies, Monash University

Themes: - overview of Buddhism in Australia and the impact of cultural diversity on customary



- Buddhist foundational beliefs, values, cultural expectations and perspectives on ageing,

death and dying 

- culturally sensitive practice and ethics in palliative care from the Buddhist perspective


negotiating appropriate care with individuals and their families

Mr Paul Zammit - Coordinator Pastoral Care, Benetas

Themes: - different models and approaches to pastoral care within a multicultural aged care setting

Contact: Megan Stoyles on 0408 147 829 for media interviews, conference and speaker details. 

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing is supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

through the Community Partners Program and the Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care initiatives.

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