New Southern Australian Office For Church Resources

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10th January 2010, 04:00pm - Views: 2175
New Southern Australian Office For Church Resources

The Chief Executive Officer of Church Resources, Luke Kenny, today announced the expansion of the organisation Australia's leading aggregated buying group for the Church and not-for-profit sector into the Victorian and Tasmanian markets.

'Since I joined Church Resources in July, it has been evident that the organisation needed to establish a presence outside of Sydney,' he said. 'So it is with great pleasure that I am able to announce the appointment of Damian Jardine as Business Development Manager of Church Resources responsible for the southern markets.

'Damian brings great experience to Church Resources and strengthens our existing team in their work. Most recently, he was working in the finance sector, as executive director and shareholder responsible for product development, systems development and operational risk management protocols at Australian Professional Fee Funding.'

Prior to that, Damian worked in senior management and sales roles in a number of financial services businesses.

'Damian Jardine will be responsible in his region for the whole spectrum of CR sourcing solutions, from telecommunications to aged and health care, office supplies to food, as well as education, welfare and religious organisations, liaising between our Members and our preferred supplier Partners to get the best outcomes for our Members,' Luke Kenny said.

'This expansion into the southern markets is part of Church Resources' plan to develop further markets within Australasia to help our Members find the best prices and products for their needs,' Luke Kenny said.

Married with one child, Damian Jardine also brings some unusual personal interests into the Church Resources: While he is a keen cricket and AFL fan, he plays lawn bowls and the guitar, cooks, enjoys photography, and makes furniture.

For further information, please contact
Andrew Colvin,
National Sales Manager,
telephone: 0408 642 656.

To contact
Damian Jardine,
please call 0408 833 063

SOURCE: Church Resources
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