Phil Pringle To Paint 3 Larger-than-life Artworks At Easter Weekend Servi

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6th April 2009, 01:01pm - Views: 1543

Community Religion Christian City Church 1 image

From: C3 Oxford Falls / Centrewest / God in the City Sydney

Contact: Mathan Allington P 02 9972 8688

Media Release

241 words

06 April 2009

What: Phil Pringle to create three paintings live in church Easter weekend service

Who: Phil Pringle (worldwide communicator, artist, pastor of C3 Oxford Falls), Open to


When: Sunday 12th of April at 9am

Where: Main Auditorium, C3 Oxford Falls, Cnr Wakehurst Pkwy & Dreadnought Rd, Oxford

Falls, 2100

Details: Phil Pringle is aiming to paint the demanding feat of 3 larger-than-life artworks live in

one of C3’s Easter Weekend services. 

Phil will work at an incredibly fast speed to complete the 3 artworks while sharing a life-

changing message.

After the service there is to be an easter egg hunt with thousands of eggs hidden around the

C3 Oxford Falls campus.

Phil Pringle is an internationally recognised and highly sought artist and will be creating his

second Easter live performance artwork on Sunday the 12th of April. 

Phil Pringle has also created the Gospel of John in Art and many of his other works have been

sold across the world. His artworks are on display in the Art Lounge at Oxford Falls.

In 2008 Phil Pringle created the artworks in an auditorium filled to capacity of 2000 people.

Phil Pringle and his wife Chris, are the founding pastors of C3. Phil Pringle is also the owner of

Studio for Life. 

Comments/Quotes: Available upon request.

Contact: Mathan Allington (PR) on 02 9972 8688 for further information.

Phil Pringle (please contact Dianne Perry on 02 9972 8688 for media appointments)

Photography: Rehearsal and photo opportunity on Tuesday 7th April 11am. Please contact

Mathan Allington for photography requests.


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