Australia, New Zealand and Oceania
20 November 2009
Statement from Church of Scientology
Rev. Vicki Dunstan, Pesident
Church of Scientology Australia
Senator Xenophon clearly made no effort to ascertain the truth or
falsity of allegations he made in the Senate on Tuesday night
concerning the Church of Scientology and the Scientology religion.
The alleged incidents voiced by Senator Xenophon came to him from
disgruntled former members with their own agendas to forward, used
by him to forward his own political aspirations.
The Church had recently invited the Senator to meet with Church
representatives to answer his questions and to address any mutual
concerns. He ignored the invitation.
Instead, Senator Xenophon abused Parliamentary privilege to publicly
utter false allegations concerning the Church as well as tragic events
of the past that were fully investigated by authorities with the Church
completely exonerated of any wrongdoing. He sought to exploit the
personal tragedies of individuals.
The Senators descriptions of Church of Scientology beliefs and
practices were also completely false. The correct information about
Scientology beliefs is readily available, yet he chose to ignore it.
The Aims of Scientology include a world without insanity, without
criminals and without war. Scientology recognizes Man as a spiritual
being with unlimited potential, and with care and compassion assists
individuals to achieve personal freedom.
The invitation to Senator Xenophon to dialogue with Church officials
remains open.