Walk A Mile In Our Shoes: Rally And Pilgrims' Forum For Melbourne Clergy Abuse Victims

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19th July 2008, 09:02am - Views: 1233

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Sent Saturday 19 July 2008

Walk a Mile in Our Shoes:

Pilgrims’ Forum for Melbourne Clergy Abuse Victims

Sunday 20 July St Peter’s Anglican Church Eastern Hill, 1– 3pm

As World Youth Day pilgrims celebrate in Sydney, other pilgrims – victims of clergy

sexual abuse, their family, friends and advocates – will ask the Church and the wider

community in Melbourne to ‘walk a mile in our shoes’!

Four victims’ groups will unite on Sunday 20 July to hold a Melbourne Pilgrims’

Forum to coincide with the Pope’s final youth event at Randwick.

Musicians, poets, actors, artists, counsellors and other public speakers will pay

tribute at the forum to the resilience of millions of victims worldwide.

Contributors will include musicians Monique Lisbon, Vincent O’Connor, Catherine

Arthur and Kerrie Dawson, artist Arrigo Dorissa, dancer Madhu Henry, actor Annie

Last and the poetry of Carmel Rafferty. Speakers will include John Steward (peace

consultant with World Vision Rwanda), Pam Krstic (convenor of HEAR, Healesville

Education and Awareness Raising) and Dr Joseph Poznanski.

This forum will take place from 1 pm to 3 pm on Sunday 20 July 2008 at St

Peter’s Anglican Church Eastern Hill, 15 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne.


The sixth rally bringing together victims, their family, supporters and advocates will

also be held outside St Patrick’s Cathedral at 10.30 am for an 11 am start on

Sunday 20 July. The rally continues to call for the Melbourne Catholic Archbishop to

meet with clergy abuse victims for a restorative justice consultation to improve the

response towards victims. 

All are welcome to join this rally.


Helen Last, In Good Faith and Associates


(03) 9326 5991 (Mon-Fri); 

0417 011 680 (Sat-Sun only)




Pam Krstic, HEAR (Healesville Education and Awareness Raising

re Clergy Professional Misconduct and Sexual Abuse)


0410 859 059;   



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