Australian Elected Onto World Board Peak Body

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8th July 2008, 03:35pm - Views: 1239

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Andre Leu, Chairman, OFA

P.O Box 800, Mossman, Qld 4873  Ph:07 40987610  Mob:0428 459870 Email:  

The Peak Body for the Australian Organic Sector

The Peak Body for the Australian Organic Sector

Peak Body for the Australian Organic Sector

Body for the Australian Organic Sector

for the Australian Organic Sector


the Australian Organic Sector

Australian Organic Sector

ralian Organic Sector

Organic Sector

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From the desk of:

Andre Leu, Chairman

P.O. Box 800, Mossman, Qld 4873

Ph: +61 7 40987610  Mob: 0428 459870


For Immediate Release: Tuesday 08 July 2008

Chair of Australia's Organic Peak Body Elected onto World Board Peak Body

The Chair of the Organic Federation of Australia, Andre Leu, has been elected onto the World Board of the

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) 

‘It is a great honour to be supported by my colleagues from around the world’, declared Andre Leu,

Chairman of the Organic Federation of Australia (OFA), after his election in Italy, on June 28. 

1,700 experts, practitioners and producers from 108 countries met in Italy for the 16th IFOAM Organic World

Congress to discuss the most pressing concerns of humanity especially the major issues of climate change

and food security. The enormous range of topics included biodiversity, food safety, sowing, growing and

harvesting techniques, market opportunities, verification methods, and technological innovations. 

In 2005, the World Congress on organic agriculture was held in Adelaide. This year, three driectors, Dr Els

Wynen, Tim Marshall and Andre Leu represented the OFA at the World Congress in Italy. Seven OFA

members presented a range of papers on organic systems at this major international event. 

Andre is looking forward to contributing on the world stage, as well as continuing his key role in the OFA, the

peak body on organic agriculture in Australia. 

‘This is a critical time for world agriculture, especially now that sales in organic products is the fastest

growing area and worth over $50 billion. The areas of equivalence in organic standards and certification, and

their harmonization to facilitate fair trade in organic agriculture are key issues’, Andre said. ‘Climate Change

and the environmental benefits of organic systems will also be priorities.’

Andre sees his work on the IFOAM World Board as complementing developments in organic agriculture in

Australia, where the OFA has been actively involved in developing the new organic standard and policies for

certification in the Australian market. 

'The draft of Australian Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Products will be ready for public comments this

month, and should be ready for adoption around the end of this year', Andre added. 

Andre paid tribute to the out going IFOAM board members, especially the previous President, Gerald

Herrmann and Brendan Hoare from New Zealand who actively represented our region.



The Organic Federation of Australia is the peak body and the largest representative organic organisation in Australia. For

further information please visit

For Interviews: 

Andre Leu, Chairman

Land: 0740987610

Mobile: 0428 459870


Eric Love  Deputy Chair

Land: 02 9922 3456

Mobile: 0419 619455


Tim Marshall Director: 08 8339 1250

Mobile: 0412 473 230


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