Federal Agriculture Minister To Visit Se Qld Banana Growers Tomorrow

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18th January 2010, 08:23pm - Views: 1147

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               Released by Green PR for the Subtropical Banana Industry           

Media Advice for Tuesday 19 January 2009

Federal Agriculture Minister to meet banana growers

The Federal Minister for Agriculture, the Hon Tony Burke, will meet with banana farmers in South East

Queensland to discuss issues confronting the industry on Tuesday 19 January.

Several growers and members of the National Bunchy Top Project team will meet with Minister Burke

on the banana farm of the Lindsay family at Caboolture. Also attending the meeting will be the local

Federal member, Mr Jon Sullivan.

One issue for discussion will be progress to stop one of the world’s major viruses affecting bananas,

Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV), in South East Queensland. The only regions in Australia that BBTV

is found are in South East Queensland and on the far north coast of New South Wales.  The National

Bunchy Top Project is being funded by the national banana industry levy which is managed by

Horticulture Australia Limited, with matched funding from the Australian Government.

They will also discuss the problems confronting smaller growers selling into the major market places

and the issues raised in the media recently regarding the waste of blemished product.

When:  Tuesday 19 January, at 2.45pm 

Where:  Lindsay’s banana plantation, 181-183 F Lindsay Rd, Rocksberg. 

Directions: Follow the Caboolture River Road west from Caboolture. At the intersection of F Lindsay

Road, Caboolture River Road and Old North Road, turn left into F Lindsay Rd and ‘Snake Gully

Who:   Minister Tony Burke, Federal Member for Longman, Jon Sullivan, members of the Lindsay

family and other growers, David Peasley, Bunchy Top Project coordinator & Edith Nicholls Qld Bunchy

Top inspector.

For further information:  Neville Sloss for Subtropical Banana Industry Communications,

0414562010 or Sarah Mathieson-Smith for Minister Burke, 0419 613 115 and Robert

Krunke for Jon Sullivan, 0416103799.

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