Tyranny Of Distance
16th May 2008 -
Views: 765
“As well car accidents, homicide, suicide and violence contribute substantially to the diseases suffered by the people who live in the Alice Springs,” Dr Jacob said.
Heart Foundation Walking Celebrates Its First Birthday
26th November 2008 -
Views: 1658
Heart Foundation CEO, Cameron Prout said “we need at least 30 minutes of moderate- intensity physical activity at least five days a week to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Support For Mums Experiencing Post-natal Depression
19th November 2008 -
Views: 773
“During Post Natal Depression Awareness Week (16 to 22 November), it’s important to recognise the importance of playgroups as a setting where mothers experiencing Post Natal Depression (PND) can meet and share their experiences in a non-judgemental and supportive environment,” said Karen Merange, Executive Officer, Playgroup Australia.
New Twista Website To Improve Health By Fighting Winter Mould
8th July 2011 -
Views: 2311
New website helps identify common damp areas in the average home
Consumers Duped By Cholesterol Claims
18th August 2009 -
Views: 724
Fifty percent of adult Australians are affected by high cholesterol levels (above 5.5mmol/L), a figure that largely remains unchanged since 1980.