Consumers Speak On Depression
14th October 2009 -
Views: 816
'Depression and anxiety are more than health issues: they are employment, economic and social issues and result in more years of disability and lost productivity than other illnesses' according to Carol Bennett, Executive Director of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF).
Csl Donates 3 Million Doses Of Pandemic H1n1 2009 Vaccine To The World Health Organisation (who) For 1
14th October 2009 -
Views: 613
CSL Limited, Australia's leading biopharmaceutical company, has todayannounced that it is donating 3 million doses of pandemic H1N1 2009 or `swineflu' vaccine to the World Health Organisation for use in priority low-incomecountries in the South Pacific as well as South East Asia.
30 Years Walking Along Side People With A Mental Illness
14th October 2009 -
Views: 745
ARAFEMI began with the very simple but powerful slogan, “you are not alone”. The sharing of the lived experience of carers and consumers has always been a strong plank in the base upon which ARAFEMI has been founded.
Psychiatry Conference: 14 To 16 October 2009, Rotorua
14th October 2009 -
Views: 685
Addiction, schizophrenia, suicide, psychosis, depression, self-harm and early intervention are just some of the topics which will be discussed by mental health experts at The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists' New Zealand Conference on 14 to 16 October 2009 in Rotorua.
New Aihw Report: Asthma In Australian Children
14th October 2009 -
Views: 715
Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, also found that asthma or wheeze during the first three years of life was more common among boys, those who had older siblings, those who were born at an earlier gestational age, or who were admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit after birth.