Foot Care Advice For Melbourne Cup Party Goers
29th October 2009 -
Views: 809
“Many people take their feet for granted” said Australian Reflexology expert and lecturer at Endeavour College; Emma Gierschick, “It’s often only when there is a problem that the feet are given the attention they deserve. Here are some simple tips to combat the typical injuries likely to be incurred during the Melbourne Cup celebrations”.
Cataracts, Money, And The Forgotten Patients
29th October 2009 -
Views: 751
“The health of patients with cataracts is being forgotten by all major parties in the debate about Medicare rebates for cataract surgery,” said Dr Tim Woodruff, President, Doctors Reform Society.
Government Food Initiative Will Save Lives Says Heart Foundation
28th October 2009 -
Views: 711
Dr Lyn Roberts, Heart Foundation CEO – National, said the Dialogue will take action to address rising obesity and chronic disease levels by reducing saturated fat, kilojoules and salt in food, and by standardising serve sizes.
Queenslanders Not The Biggest Couch Potatoes
28th October 2009 -
Views: 751
The Queensland Government has won the Gold Medal Award for taking action to curb obesity for the second year running at the National Couch Potato Awards by the Australia and New Zealand Obesity Society (ANZOS). NSW is the winner of the Couch Potato Award as the worst performer on obesity prevention.
Where Do The Aged Care Billions Go? Taxpayers Must Be Told
28th October 2009 -
Views: 788
The Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch) has called on the Federal Government to guarantee that taxpayer funding given to aged care providers is used for the nursing and personal care of residents following the news that another Victorian facility has been placed in administration.