Coag Proposed Reforms To Hurt Queensland Families
8th December 2009 -
Views: 1111
“It is evident that COAG did not heed the voice of Queensland families when this decision was made” said Gwynn Bridge, President of Childcare Queensland. “The government consults but does not listen”.
Coag Option May Lead To Struggling Families Being Priced Out Of Childcare
8th December 2009 -
Views: 1215
“We are not opposed to the principles behind COAG’s recognition of the importance of quality private and community child care,” CAA national spokesperson, Ms Gwynn Bridge, said today, but we must put the needs of our children and their families first.
Coag Proposed Reforms To Hurt Queensland Families 1
8th December 2009 -
Views: 1142
“It is evident that COAG did not heed the voice of Queensland families when this decision was made” said Gwynn Bridge, President of Childcare Queensland. “The government consults but does not listen”.
Senate Committee Report On Childcare: Lhmu Childcare Union Available For Comment
23rd November 2009 -
Views: 2062
The Report of the Senate Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Committee's Inquiry into the Provision of Childcare is scheduled to be tabled in the Senate later today.
Family Law Reform Association Calls For Child Abduction Law
23rd November 2009 -
Views: 1145
Government figures reveal that about 150 children are abducted from Australia each year by a parent.