Most Ambitious Health Reforms Since Introduction Of Medicare
27th July 2009 -
Views: 844
The Rudd Government's proposed national health agenda lays out the most far-reaching reform of the Australian health system since the introduction of Medibank and Medicare says Australian General Practice Network (AGPN) chair Dr Emil Djakic.
Major Redesign Needed Now For Australia's Creaking Health System
26th July 2009 -
Views: 812
Dr Djakic, a General Practitioner said the current system takes the ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ approach to health care.
Encouraging Health Students To Think Rural
24th July 2009 -
Views: 794
Speaking to over 300 medical, nursing and allied health students at the 11 th National University Rural Health Conference in Cairns, Mr Snowdon said the theme of Rural Health: Diverse Landscapes, Endless Opportunities has never been as accurate as it is right n ow due to the Rudd Government’s initiatives.
Vivus Prevailed In Acrux Arbitration
24th July 2009 -
Views: 854
The panel ruled in favor of VIVUS and found that VIVUS was in compliance with the Luramist license agreement and that VIVUS has used diligent, commercially reasonable efforts to develop Luramist.
Mackay Launch For Qld's First Online Epilepsy Training
23rd July 2009 -
Views: 833
Thanks to strong local interest, Mackay has been selected as the launch venue for the State’s first e-learning project offering training in epilepsy management. Some 50 health, nursing and disability professionals working in the Mackay area recently participated in the Epilepsy Queensland Inc (EQI) pilot for the web-based training project.