Fielding Offends Nurses And Midwives
13th October 2009 -
Views: 772
ANF Federal Secretary Ged Kearney said Senator Fielding had displayed a lack of understanding of legislation before the Senate that will allow nurse practitioners and eligible midwives access to the PBS and MBS.
Sao Paulo Hosts Strong Second Year For South American Pharma Events
13th October 2009 -
Views: 737
Held in the heart of Brasil's pharmaceutical industry, Sao Paulo, late August's CPhI South America and P-MEC South America pharma ingredients and production technology events built strongly on their 2008 debuts.
Recession Adds To The Need To Build New Zealand's Mental Health Workforce
12th October 2009 -
Views: 684
Te Pou, the National Centre of Mental Health Research, Information and Workforce Development and The
University of Auckland are joining forces to encourage medical students into a profession in psychiatry.
Public Fear Of The Mentally Ill Misplaced
12th October 2009 -
Views: 738
The study is one in a series looking at homicide by the mentally ill conducted by two senior lecturers in psychiatry at the University of New South Wales.
Apha Congress Examines The Challenges Facing Private Health Care Providers
12th October 2009 -
Views: 715
Providing private health care across Australia in challenging times will be examined in detail at this year's Annual Congress of the Australian Private Hospitals Association.