Diabetes Challenge Finale
28th September 2009 -
Views: 786
The culmination of the Turning to Sport for Good Health campaign, a joint initiative between the Australian Sports Commission’s Active After-school Communities program and Diabetes Australia, will be held during a sports gala event at Floriade in Canberra.
Media Alert - Health Reform Consults In Melbourne First To Focus On 'denticare'
28th September 2009 -
Views: 683
Prior to the consultation forum, Minister Roxon will tour part of the dental hospital where she will meet clinicians, a parent and child participating in the teen dental program and some undergraduate dental students.
Dr. Bo Wiafe Fights Blindness In Africa
28th September 2009 -
Views: 750
Dr. Bo Wiafe, Regional Director for Africa, Operation Eyesight Universal and one of Africa's leading ophthalmologists is available for interviews while visiting Melbourne for IAPB VISION2020 meetings.
Media Alert 11
28th September 2009 -
Views: 791
The Consultation Forum follows the release of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission Report, which includes recommendations for system-wide changes to Australian health care.
Wyeth Receives Positive Opinion From European Regulators For Its 13-valent Pneumococcal Candidate Va
26th September 2009 -
Views: 724
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, a division of Wyeth (NYSE: WYE), announced today that the European Medicines Agency's (EMEA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has issued a positive opinion for the company's pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, Prevenar 13* (Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine [13-valent Adsorbed]).