Value Of Text Verification Tool (tvt) Strongly Confirmed At Raps In Philadelphia
22nd September 2009 -
Views: 807
More projects, fewer people, rigid quality standards and competitve pressures are making the computer-driven proofreading tool made by Schlafender Hase more valuable than ever.
Riverina Hosts National Health Debate
18th September 2009 -
Views: 848
The Wagga Wagga Base Hospital has received $792, 951 to purchase new medical equipment under Stage Two of the Federal Government’s Elective Surgery Waiting List Reduction Plan.
Training Oral Health Professionals In Wagga Wagga
18th September 2009 -
Views: 744
The Australian Government has invested more than $19.5 million in the Wagga facility including $17.5 for the pre-clinical and clinical facilities and over $2 million for 40 bed student accommodation.
New Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Guidelines: Chronic Kidney Disease & Reti
18th September 2009 -
Views: 832
The guidelines suggest that by knowing the general targets in care as described in the new type 2 diabetes guidelines addressing diabetes complications, individualised targets for blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol can then be customised - in consultation with a particular person who has diabetes.
Kevin Rudd Wake Up Call - Perth
17th September 2009 -
Views: 924
Oxfam supporters in Perth plan a three minute Flash-Mob Action at Perth Train Station where a caricatured Kevin Rudd in pyjamas will be woken.