National Indigenous Health Equality Council Meeting 10th September 2009 - Views: 745 The Council, drawing on its broad expertise, provides the government with evidence-based advice to close the gap in health between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Fifteenth Us Patent Issued For Atyr Pharma Novel Biotherapeutic 9th September 2009 - Views: 4841 aTyr Pharma announced today that the US Patent office has issued patent US 7,572,452 B2, titled "Method for Stimulating Wound Healing."
Impact Of 'coughs And Colds' Imposing Heavy Burden On Overstretched Gp Services 7th September 2009 - Views: 719 The study also identifies some $260 million in ‘waste and resource misallocation’ as a result of Medicare benefits associated with GP treatment of minor ailments.
Australia's First National Stroke Registry Launched In Cairns Tomorrow 7th September 2009 - Views: 778 Approximately 60,000 strokes occur in Australia every year, and two thirds of these are first-ever strokes. While approximately one third of strokes result in death, many of those who survive will live with permanent and significant disability.
National Herbal Medicine Week 7th September 2009 - Views: 1159 With over 20 years of clinical experience, Mim Beim has treated thousands of patients with natural medicine, especially herbs.