Health Press Releases & Articles 441 - 445 of 771

Major Prostate Cancer Announcement starstarstarstarstar   22nd September 2009 - Views: 847 Major Prostate Cancer Announcement A major change is to be announced to the age at which men are recommended to first consider testing for Prostate Cancer - the most common cancer in Australia - with 20,000 men diagnosed and about 3,300 deaths each year.

Media Alert - Health Reform Consults In Adelaide starstarstarstarstar   22nd September 2009 - Views: 716 Media Alert - Health Reform Consults In Adelaide The Rudd government is consulting around Australia on the 123 recommendations of the report, A Healthier Future For All Australians, which covers every facet of Australia’s health care system.

Diabetes Challenge starstarstarstarstar   22nd September 2009 - Views: 880 Diabetes Challenge Former Adelaide Crows star Nathan Bassett will handball Sport Minister Kate Ellis the final milestone in an Australia-wide challenge to raise awareness of diabetes and promote the health benefits of sport.

Giving Rural Obstetricians And Anaesthetists A Well Earned Rest starstarstarstarstar   22nd September 2009 - Views: 768 Giving Rural Obstetricians And Anaesthetists A Well Earned Rest Rural anaesthetists will now join with outback obstetricians, both specialist and GP, in accessing Rudd Government subsidised locum support.

Epidemic Of Osteoporotic Fractures To Hit Asia starstarstarstarstar   22nd September 2009 - Views: 690 A new audit report issued by the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) shows that osteoporosis is a serious and growing problem throughout Asia.

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