Farm And Environmental Open Day Shines National Spotlight On Region 19th May 2010 - Views: 1114 A fun and informative family event, the Open Day will launch the Slopes to Summit project which is part of one Australia’s largest-scale conservation programs, the Great Eastern Ranges Initiative.
Regional Farmers Provide Inspiration 13th May 2010 - Views: 1169 Specialist speakers will talk on a variety of topics from soil health to native grasses, managing native pastures, and weed and pest animal control.
Australian Farmer Confidence Rebounds On Back Of Favourable Seasonal Conditions 29th March 2010 - Views: 1106 Australian rural confidence has rebounded strongly as welcome summer rainfall and favourable commodity prices in a number of sectors have fuelled farmer optimism, according to the latest quarterly Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey.
Farmers Targeted For Skin Cancer Prevention As Uv Levels Still High In Victoria 16th March 2010 - Views: 1144 With UV levels remaining high enough across Victoria to cause sunburn in as little as 16 minutes, SunSmart is running the skin cancer prevention and early detection campaign, Take care of your farm's most important asset.
Alliance Encourages States To Support Reform Blueprint 3rd March 2010 - Views: 1137 “We welcome the Commonwealth move under the new National Health and Hospitals Network strategy to become the majority funder of public hospitals and to take full responsibility for primary care,” said Alliance Chair, Dr Jenny May.