Brownhill Cup Awarded At Commonwealth Bank Agquip Today 19th August 2009 - Views: 1585 An innovative husband and wife team have been awarded the prestigious Brownhill Cup today during a ceremony at Commonwealth Bank AgQuip for their practice of “conservation farming” (also known as no till, or zero till farming).
Media Alert Ekka 2009 31st July 2009 - Views: 1212 The gates may open next Thursday, but already there is plenty of action at the RNA Showgrounds in the lead up to Ekka 2009.
Upturn In Farmer Confidence As Country Looks To Positive 2009 Season 1st June 2009 - Views: 1100 stralian farmers have shown the first improvement in confidence levels in more than a year, according to the latest quarterly Rabobank Rural Confidence Survey.
Student Solves Soil Mystery 26th May 2009 - Views: 1202 The farmers, members of the Keilira Farm Management Group (KFMG) in the state’s upper south-east, called the Future Farm Industries Cooperative Research Centre in to investigate.
New Cutting Horse Event Draws 35 Women Riders 13th March 2009 - Views: 1622 A total of 41 entries have been received in the women’s Cutting for Cancer equine show, with some of the 35 women riding two or three horses each.