Rural Farming Press Releases & Articles 16 - 20 of 66

Australian Farmer Confidence Remains Subdued starstarstarstarstar   1st December 2008 - Views: 1099 The survey found 39 per cent of farmers expect the agricultural economy to worsen over the next 12 months, up from 36 per cent with that view in the previous quarter. The number of farmers expecting conditions to improve in the coming year decreased to 23 per cent, compared with 28 per cent last survey.

New Perennial Grasses To Keep Pastures Green In Drying Climate Says Workshop Co starstarstarstarstar   17th November 2008 - Views: 1083 New perennial grasses to keep pastures green in drying climate says workshop convenor Breeding new perennial grasses varieties to boost productivity in the drier parts of southern Australia is the focus of a Future Farm Industries CRC (FFI CRC) workshop being held this week. Workshop convenor, FFI CRC Research Director, Dr Mike Ewing, said the lower rainfall parts of southern Australia lack good perennial grass pasture options. "The original scope of our research five years ago was to find a range of plants suited to these marginal areas," Dr Ewing said.

Fertiliser Is A Key Factor In Biodiversity Management starstarstarstarstar   1st October 2008 - Views: 1161 Fertiliser Is A Key Factor In Biodiversity Management “While it is true that overgrazing can have serious impacts on the soil and reduce habitat quality for plants, birds and animals, the effects of fertiliser use are far more permanent.

Abs Reminds Farmers To Return Their Survey Forms starstarstarstarstar   15th August 2008 - Views: 1200 Abs Reminds Farmers To Return Their Survey Forms So far, just under half of these forms have been returned; but the ABS starts preparing preliminary estimates next month, so it is calling on farmers to return outstanding forms as soon as they can.

Australian Elected Onto World Board Peak Body starstarstarstarstar   8th July 2008 - Views: 1238 he Chair of the Organic Federation of Australia, Andre Leu, has been elected onto the World Board of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

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