Adelaide Mental Health Conference Media Call
12th November 2009 -
Views: 771
MHCSA Executive Director Geoff Phillips stated: “Mental Health Reform is making progress but is not fixed yet.
Australian Hearing Acknowledges Its Veteran Clients
11th November 2009 -
Views: 887
Australian Hearing acknowledges its Veteran clients The noise of war still rings in the ears of many of our Veterans, with hearing loss widely affecting those exposed to loud noise during battle.
100th Tasmanian Man Saved By Brachytherapy Prostate Cancer Treatment
11th November 2009 -
Views: 752
More than 100 Tasmanian men have now been treated for prostate cancer with brachytherapy. The treatment is a minimally invasive procedure in which radioactive ‘seeds’ are implanted into the prostate.
Media Alert 8
11th November 2009 -
Views: 762
The full Council of the National Rural Health Alliance will meet for face-to-face interviews with
MPs and Senators at Parliament House.
Draeger Advances Discussion On Neonatal Ventilation
10th November 2009 -
Views: 872
Draeger, a Germany-based company with 120 years of innovation in ventilation, has just completed the Australian leg of the Draeger Respiratory Care Speaker Tour yesterday, the 9th of November 2009, in Melbourne.