Cabrini Launches Book To Celebrate Lives Of Palliative Care Patients
5th November 2009 -
Views: 786
To be launched by Melbourne personality, Dan Webb, this wonderful book features inspiring stories about the lives of patients who have received care at Cabrini Prahran.
Patient Enrolment The Key To Improved Patient Health - Says Expert
5th November 2009 -
Views: 702
Patient enrolment has mobilised general practice to improve patient health care in the United Kingdom and could be considered as a platform for similar improvements in Australia, according to an international health expert.
Tasmanian Health Consumers Invited To Speak Out About Pathology Services
4th November 2009 -
Views: 707
`Better health services result when consumers are involved in health service policy and program planning and review,' according to Carol Bennett, Executive Director of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF).
Video News Release: Curves
3rd November 2009 -
Views: 835
Now in NZ, Curves, the world's largest fitness franchise, launches revolutionary new 'CurvesSmart' , the first ever electronic personal trainer to regulate every workout for a precise personal best.
Kidney Injury Due To Contrast Used In X-rays: Research Reveals Uncertainty Aroun
3rd November 2009 -
Views: 680
People undergoing X-rays often require an intravenous contrast injection to improve the quality of the information obtained. Some of these patients will develop acute kidney injury as a result, and may require dialysis or hospitalisation.