Volunteer Fire Fighter Is South Australia's Local Hero
12th November 2009 -
Views: 1117
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) tonight congratulated captain of
the Murray Bridge Country Fire Service, Mike Coddington, for being named South
Australia’s Local Hero.
Australia's First All Abilities Playground To Be Opened By Fed Minister Albanese
11th November 2009 -
Views: 1085
Sydney children of all ages and abilities will be able to play side-by-side on the same equipment, when Australia's very first all abilities playground at Timbrell Park in Five Dock is opened to the public on Sunday 15 November.
Society Seeks Court Hearing On Project
11th November 2009 -
Views: 1102
The Benevolent Society has initiated a hearing in the Land and Environment Court on its innovative
aged care and accommodation project – Apartments for Life (AFL) – at Bondi.
10th November 2009 -
Views: 1419
The track to Mt Kosciuszko is clear of snow to the first long climb with a small drift a
little further along. From the Kosi Lookout to halfway rocks the track still has a few large snow drifts. They are slowly receding with the track from Cootapatamba to Rawsons Pass clear.
Melbourne City Council Trials Cctv Patrol Vehicles To Enhance City Safety 1
10th November 2009 -
Views: 1099
The latest Council initiative to strengthen city safety and security will roll onto Melbourne’s streets this weekend, and be unveiled to the media today at 11am by the Lord Mayor Robert Doyle.