Cash Doctors Raise Money For The Victorian Bush Fire Victims
26th February 2009 -
Views: 1596
Cash Doctors Raise Money for the Victorian Bush Fire Victims In true responsible lender spirit, Australia’s favourite payday loan company Cash Doctors, helps to raise money for a good cause. On Friday the 20 th of February, the staff at Cash Doctors came to work in fancy dress and raised money for the people whose lives were devastated by the recent Victorian fires. Cash Doctors aim has always been to provide people in need, and they know better than anyone that a little cash can go a long way.
Letter To The Editor - Foster Care Issues Preented On Australian Story
24th February 2009 -
Views: 1113
I am writing in response to an edition of Australian Story which went to air on ABC Television on Monday night, featuring a foster mother who is currently caring for six children, all from the same family. While the story made for compelling viewing, I fear it failed to present a true reflection of what is really happening within the NSW child protection system.
Survey Findings Reveal Career Preferences & Expectations Of Singapore's Workforce Of Tomorrow: 'what
5th January 2009 -
Views: 1062
The results of a survey of 60 children conducted by Adecco Singapore, the Singapore subsidiary of the world's leading human resource and staffing services company, reveals that 88% of Singapore's workforce of tomorrow believe that it is more important to spend time with family than to make a large salary and lots of money, thus making family a priority over salary when considering work/life balance. An interesting finding when more children are seeing their parents working longer hours than they may have done in previous years.
Organisations That Work For Women Get Diversity Prize
21st November 2008 -
Views: 1088
The Mercy Healthcare CEO joined a growing band of business leaders and organisations that are at the forefront of driving change for a more equitable workplace.
Canberra Summit To Highlight Impact Of Global Economic Crisis On Social Services
20th November 2008 -
Views: 1054
Key members of the Government have been invited to address the summit, to comment on the discussion paper and to participate in the development of recommendations.