Emergency Care Crisis Needs National Approach 11th June 2009 - Views: 877 "The community relies on hospital EDs to provide them with high quality care in an emergency situation. We need a national approach to addressing the current crisis situation within EDs, involving a range of strategies as outlined above, to ensure that our public hospital system will be able to meet the community's expectations in the future," Ms Power said.
More Community Health Care Now, That's The Remedy For Our Ailing Hospitals 1 10th June 2009 - Views: 834 In response to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) report on hospitals, Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) said the best remedy for Australia’s hospitals is to keep people out of them.
Quark Pharmaceuticals Announces The Presentation Of Data Indicating Potential Utility Of Qpi-1002 In 10th June 2009 - Views: 854 The drug is the subject of two multi-center Phase I studies for acute kidney injury (AKI) and one Phase I/II study for delayed graft function (DGF) in kidney transplantation. QPI-1002 targets p53, a gene that plays a pivotal role in the stress-response apoptotic pathway.
Researchers Find Eye Link To Stroke 9th June 2009 - Views: 980 However, vascular disease in the retina is caused by blood vessel thickening, indicating that the same process could be occurring in small vessel strokes.
Zigbee Selected By Continua Health Alliance For Next Generation Guidelines 9th June 2009 - Views: 872 The ZigBee(R) Alliance announced today that the Continua Health Alliance has endorsed ZigBee Health Care as Continua's new low power local area network (LAN) standard.