National Herbal Medicine Week Celebrated Across Australia 8th September 2010 - Views: 1670 The aim is to promote herbal medicine to the general public, to correct misinformation and myths surrounding herbal medicine, to share herbal knowledge and show people the strength, potential and value of herbal medicine.
Health Budget - A Win For Consumers 12th May 2010 - Views: 1186 The Australian College of Nurse Practitioners today welcomes the Federal Government's budget initiatives in providing Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) access for Nurse Practitioners and midwives and reforming support, scholarship and training programs.
Primary Health Care Organisations - Transforming Australia's Health Care Future 11th May 2010 - Views: 1141 “PHCOs, which will evolve from our Network, will improve access to services, support General Practitioners (GPs) to provide high quality care to their patients and deliver integrated health care,” Dr Djakic said.
Podiatry Council President Welcomes Medicare Fraud Initiative 22nd March 2010 - Views: 1263 Australasian Podiatry Council President Brenden Brown today welcomed the government’s crackdown on Medicare fraud. According to recent press reports Medicare investigators have uncovered systemic fraud in two programs that allow doctors and dentists to claim rebates for writing plans and treating the chronically ill.
A Healthy Start To The Campaign Brings A Win For Arthritis Patients 9th November 2010 - Views: 1252 Arthritis Victoria is pleased to see the announcement of new funding for osteoarthritis hip and knee replacements, together with additional funding for children with chronic or long-term illnesses and new specialist and general practitioner training posts included in the Victorian Australian Labor Party's health policy, released yesterday.