Walktober Workplace Challenge Starts Monday 25 October
22nd October 2010 -
Views: 1190
Workers will take advantage of the spring weather to add walks wherever they can – by
getting off public transport a little earlier, walking at lunchtime or walking to meetings.
They will earn points for every 15 minutes of walking and bonuses for starting new habits
like leaving the car at home.
Local Carers To Choose Their Respite Services
22nd October 2010 -
Views: 1116
Minister for Mental Health and Ageing Mark Butler handed over the first contract
under the Consumer Directed Respite Care initiative in Melbourne today, allowing
carers to select respite services of their choice.
Victorian Older Carers Are Tired And Desperate
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1385
Carers Victoria welcomes the release today of Anglicare's report on the needs of ageing parents who are caring for a son or daughter with a disability.
October Focus On Epilepsy Research
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1422
Two foremost authorities on epilepsy, Professor Andrew Kanner from the United States and Professor Graham Scambler from the United Kingdom will be international guest speakers at the Inaugural Epilepsy Symposium in Brisbane next week (Wednesday 27 October 2010).
Big Tobacco Wastes Government Time Looking For Non-existent Smoking Gun
21st October 2010 -
Views: 1131
Big tobacco continues to run scared of plain packaging, bombarding the Department of Health and Aging with freedom of information (FOI) requests in a desperate attempt to find ways to stop the most significant health reform in decades.