Radio Grabs: Baby Boomers Outdrink Their Kids 30th July 2008 - Views: 1150 A new survey reveals Australia's baby boomers are outdrinking their kids and challenges the theory young adults are more likely to binge drink.
Radio Grabs: Healthcare Rights Endorsed 23rd July 2008 - Views: 1102 A new Charter has been endorsed by Australia's State and Federal Health Ministers to protect the rights of hospital patients and consumers when receiving healthcare services.
New Report: Insulin-treated Diabetes In Australia 2000 - 2007 21st August 2009 - Views: 1071 About 1,000 new cases of Type 1 diabetes in children each year Australia is in the top 10 countries with the highest rates of Type 1 diabetes in children, with about 1,000 children 14 years and younger developing this type of diabetes each year, according to a report released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
Big Business Spins To Raise Money For Sick Kids - Martin Place Today 28th March 2008 - Views: 1118 The first event of its kind in Australia, Spin to Cure Diabetes pits teams against each other in a frantic outdoor “spinning” race to see who can travel the furthest in 8 minutes.
Veterans' Health Week Launch - Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital 24th August 2009 - Views: 1222 Mr Griffin said Veterans’ Health Week, 24-30 August, is encouraging veterans, war widows and widowers to think about their health and take part in regular exercise to live a stronger, healthier and happier life.